Publications related to EMP-L

Publications related to EMP-L

  • Argyriou, M. (2012).European Music Portfolio: A Creative Way into Languages. European Forum on Music 2012, 19 – 22 April Istanbul, Turkey MORE:

  • Argyriou, M. (2012). Do you speak Music? Πιλοτική εφαρμογή του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος European Music Portfolio: A Creative Way into Languages σε ελληνικές σχολικές τάξεις. MISTEC - 30th ISME World Conference on Music Education: Music Pædeia: From Ancient Greek Philosophers Toward Global Music Communities. KOMOTINI, Greece, July 9-13, 2012

  • Argyriou, M. (2010).European Music Portfolio: An intergraded method of teaching Language through Musical activities. Presentation at the Congress of the European Association for Music in Schools. Bolu: Turkey

  • Marina Cap-Bun (2009) "The Role of Multimedia Resources in Teaching Romanian as a Foreign Language - Musical Applications: European Music Portfolio". Paper presented at the conference "Romanian Language. Controversies, delimitations, new hypothesis", Bucharest University, 4-5 December 2009

  • Teodor Cap-Bun, (Student, anul III, Facultatea de Litere, Specializarea Jurnalism) Muzica, mijloc de predare a limbilor străine. In La Universitatea Ovidius (No 30, p.26)

  • Viladot, L., Suárez, M. and Casals, A. (2010). Música y aprendizaje de lenguas en el marco competencial. Paper presented at the XI International Conference of SEDLL (Spanish Society for Language and Literature Didactics) Universidad de Jaén, Spanish.

  • Casals, Α. (2010). Música y Lengua extranjera: investigando sus relaciones en el marco del European Music Portfolio. Poster presentation at The Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Educación Musical organized by the Universidad Complutense (Madrid) and SEM-EE (Sociedad para la Educación Musical del Estado Español / Society for Music Education in Spanish State).

  • Multilingualism section of the European Commission website, article about the EMP-L project available in German ( and French (

  • Kampylis, P. & Argyriou, M. (Eds.). (2011). Arts and Education: Creative ways into languages – Theoretical and research papers. Athens, Greece: Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens & Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers (Vol. 1).

  • Kampylis, P. & Argyriou, M. (Eds.). (2011). Arts and Education: Creative ways into languages – Methodology and applications in educational practice. Athens, Greece: Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens & Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers (Vol. 2)

  • Kampylis, P. & Argyriou, M. (Eds.). (2011). Arts and Education: Creative ways into languages – Minutes of the international conference. Athens, Greece: Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens & Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers

  • Casals, A.; Suárez. M.M. (2011). Música y aprendizaje de lenguas en el marco competencial. Dipòsit Digital de la Universitat de Barcelona.

  • Casals A & Viladot, L (2011). La música com a recurs per a ensenyar llengua (estrangera): Una proposta europea. Guix, elements d'acció educativa, 374, 45-48.

  • Viladot, L. & Casals, A. (2010). Do you speak music? The catalan approach. NAME, 29, 2-5.

  • Casals, A. & Viladot L . Fear of innovation? Action, reflection and research with the teachers taking the lead role. Paper in 21st EAS- ISME European Regional Conference, February 2013.

  • Casals, A. & Viladot, L. (2013). Fear of innovation? Action, reflection and research with the teachers taking the lead role (paper presentation) in 21st EAS Conference - ISME European Regional Conference. Leuven, Belgium.

  • Viladot, L. & Cslovjecsek, M. (2013). Teachers Integration Concepts regarding Integrated Music and Languages Learning in their Classrooms: A qualititive Study based on Teachers Professional Development (paper presentation) in 21st EAS Conference - ISME European Regional Conference. Leuven, Belgium.

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